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Trade and Common Names of Chemicals

Common name Chemical name Formula
Alcohol, wood methanol, methyl alcohol CH3OH
Alcohol, grain Ethanol or ethyl alcohol C2H5OH
Alcohol, rubbing 2-propanol, propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol .
Alcohol Ethyl alcohol .
Alka Seltzer Sodium bicarbonate .
Alum Potassium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate .
Alumina Aluminum oxide Al2O3
Alundum Fused alumina .
Antifreeze Ethylene glycol .
Antipersperant Aluminum chlorohydrate .
Aqua regia 1:3 mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids HNO3+HCl
Aspirin Acetyl salicylic acid .
Baking soda Sodium hydrogen carbonate NaHCO3
Baking powder Sodium bicarbonate .
Banana oil Amyl acetate .
Baryta Barium oxide .
Barytes Barium sulfate .
Battery acid Sulfuric acid .
Bauxite Hydrated aluminum oxide .
Benzol Benzene .
Bleach (laundry) Sodium hypochlorite NaClO
Bleaching powder Calcium chloride hypochlorite .
Blue vitrol Copper (II) sulfate CuSO4*5H2O
Bluestone Copper II sulfate pentahydrate CuSO3*5H2O
Boracic acid Boric acid .
Borax Sodium tetraborate decahydrate Na2B4O7*10H2O
Brass Alloy of copper and zinc .
Brimstone Sulfur S
Bronze Alloy of copper and tin .
Calamine Zinc carbonate .
Calcite Calcium carbonate .
Calgon Calcium hexametaphosphate .
Calomel Mercurous chloride .
Carbolic acid Phenol .
Carbon tetrachloride Tetrachloromethane CCl4
Carborundum Silicon carbide .
Caustic soda Sodium hydroxide .
Chalk Calcium carbonate .
Chile saltpeter Sodium nitrate .
Chloroform Trichloromethane CHCl3
Chlorox Hypochlorus acid .
Chrome yellow Lead chromate .
Cinnabar Mercury II sulfide HgS
Club soda Carbonic acid .
Copperas Hydrated ferrous sulfate .
Corrosive sublimate Mercuric chloride .
Cream of tartar Potassium hydrogen tartrate KHC4H4O6
DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane .
Dextrose Glucose .
Diamond Carbon C
Dolomite Calcium magnesium carbonate CaCO3*MgCO3
Drano Sodium hydroxide .
Easy-off oven cleaner Sodium hydroxide .
Egg shells Calcium carbonate .
Epsom salts Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate MgSO4*7H2O
Ether Ethyl ether .
Ex-lax Phenolphthalein .
Fertilizer component Ammonium nitrate .
Flurostan Stannous fluoride .
Fool's gold Iron Pyrites .
Formalin 40% solution of formaldehyde .
Freon (refrigerant) Dichlorodifluoromethane CCl2F2
Galena Zinc sulfide .
Galena Lead II sulfide PbS
Glauber's salt Hydrated sodium sulfate .
Glycerine Glycerol .
Grain alcohol Ethanol or ethyl alcohol C2H5OH
Graphite Carbon C
Green vitriol Hydrated ferrous sulfate .
Gypsum Calcium sulfate dihydrate CaSO4*2H2O
Heavy water Deuterium oxide .
Hypo Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate Na2S2O3*5H2O
Ice bite Calcium chloride .
Invert sugar Mixture of glucose and fructose .
Laughing gas Dinitrogen oxide N2O
Levulose Fructose .
Lime Calcium oxide CaO
Limestone Calcium carbonate CaCO3
Liquid paper Titanium dioxide .
Lite salt Potassium chloride .
Litharge Lead monoxide .
Lithopone Mixture of zinc sulfide and barium sulfate .
Liver of sulfur Potassium sulfide .
LOX Liquid oxygen .
Lunar caustic Silver nitrate .
Lye Sodium hydroxide NaOH
Magnesia Magnesium oxide .
Marble Calcium carbonate CaCO3
Margarine Partially saturated fatty acid .
Marsh gas Methane .
MEK Methyl ethyl ketone CH3COC2H5
Microcosmic salt Hydrated sodium ammonium hydrogen phosphate .
Milk sugar Lactose .
Milk of magnesia Magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2
Milk of lime Calcium hydroxide .
Mohr's salt Hydrated ferrous ammonium sulfate .
Moth balls Naphthalene .
Msg Sodium hydrogen glutamate .
Muriatic acid Hydrochloric acid HCl
Nutrasweet Aspartame .
Oil of bitter almonds Benzaldehyde .
Oil of vitriol Sulfuric acid (conc.) H2SO4
Oil of mirbane Nitrobenzene .
Oil of vitriol Concentrated sulfuric acid .
Oil of winter green Methyl salicylate .
Oleum Fuming sulfuric acid .
Paris green Double salt of copper acetate and copper arsenite .
Perier Carbonic acid .
Pewter Alloy of tin, antimony, copper, and lead .
Phosgene Carbonyl chloride .
Photographic hypo Sodium thiosoulfate .
Picric acid Trinitrophenol .
Plaster Calcium hydroxide .
Plaster of Paris Calcium sulfate hemihydrate CaSO4*(1/2)H2O
Potash Potassium carbonate K2CO3
Prussian blue Ferric ferrocyanide .
Pyrite (fool's gold) Iron disulfide FeS2
Quartz Silicon dioxide SiO2
Quicklime Calcium oxide .
Quicksilver Mercury Hg
Rochelle salt Potassium sodium tartrate .
Rolaids Dihydroxyaluminum sodium carbonate .
Rouge Ferric oxide .
Rubbing alcohol 2-propanol, propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol .
Sal ammoniac Ammonium chloride NH4Cl
Sal soda Hydrated sodium carbonate .
Sal ammoniac Ammonium chloride .
Salt, table Sodium chloride NaCl
Salt, lite Potassium chloride .
Saltpeter Potassium nitrate KNO3
Sand Silicon dioxide SiO2
Sani-flush Sodium bisulfate .
Saran wrap Poly-1,1-dichloroethylene .
Silica Silicon dioxide .
Slaked lime Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2
Smelling salts Ammonium carbonate .
Soda ash (washing soda) Sodium carbonate .
Solder Alloy of tin and antimony .
Sugar Sucrose .
Sugar, table Sucrose C12H22O11
Sugar of lead Hydrated lead acetate .
Sun-tan lotion Para-aminobenzoic acid .
Teflon A polymer of tetrafluoroethylene .
TNT Trinitrotoluene .
Toluol Toluene .
TSP (Tri) Sodium Phosphate Na3PO4
Tums Calcium carbonate .
Turnbull's blue Ferrous ferricyanide .
Tylenol Acetominophen .
Vinegar Acetic acid, ethanoic acid .
Vitamin C Ascorbic acid .
Washing soda Sodium carbonate decahydrate NaCO3*10H2O
Washing soda Hydrated sodium carbonate .
Water softener Barium hydroxide .
White lead Basic lead carbonate .
Windex Ammonia .
Wood alcohol Methyl alcohol, methanol CH3OH
Zinc blend Zinc sulfide .

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