Radiology School Directory - Wondering how to become a radiologic technologist? Get free medical imaging program information listed by state and city with the help of our radiology school directory. As you know, radiology schools can be competitive to get into and since there's no limit to the number of applications you can fill out - the more schools you apply to, the better your chances of getting into the radiology program you desire.
On our site, you will find the best online radiology resources to help you with your radiology courses. In addition, features listings of radiology schools, radiology jobs and other radiology career information that will help you on your way to discovering the world of medical imaging.
The Radiology Student Zone - Click here to access the best radiology school resources at the radiology student zone. Here we link to medical imaging web sites, notes and tutorials that help you with a variety of radiology topics. Think of it as a radiology portal for radiology and medical imaging students.
Check out the radiology society or the radiology association pages for a complete listing of state and national radiology agencies and groups. These can provide help with finding a career in radiology. They can also provide radiology education advice and radiology school suggestions. If you are already a radiologic technologist or other medical imaging worker, these bodies provide a place for radiology professionals to interact with others in the career field. Some also offer radiology journals and are great sources of radiology and radiography CME and CEU opportunities. We believe that supporting the radiology profession by becoming a member in professional group helps improve not only you as an individual but the profession as a whole. For this reason we strongly recommend that you join your state and national society or association.
Visit to join in on the discussions covering all medical imaging modalities, including reviews of radiology schools and hints and tips for radiology techs.
SPAM FREE - Sign up now for a free newsletter featuring radiology news and articles from around the globe. It's easy and fast, go to and sign up with your e-mail account.
Want to watch a variety of interesting radiology videos? Slide over to and watch radiology patient exam videos, radiology patient positioning videos and other random medical imaging movies.
Part of the studies in radiology school involve learning the basics of X-ray Safety and Radiation Protection. The site, X-ray Safety offers advice on radiology patient, student and staff protection. It also features a radiation safety course created by the US Army.
Radiology Jobs and Resumes
Upload Your Radiology Resume Are you seeking a radiology job or related position? Post your info to the radiology resume tracker to increase your exposure to great radiology job offers! |
Database of Radiology Resumes Check out our radiology resumes! We have access to some of the best professionals in the field. |
View The Radiology Job Listings Search radiology jobs available to medical imaging professionals seeking employment or just viewing the radiology job market. |
Post Your Radiology Jobs You can reach qualified radiology candidates by posting your radiology job on the radiology job database. |
Radiology Schools

Searching for radiology schools, mammography schools, cat scan schools or even mri schools? Or, are you a radiologic technologist looking to increase your education with a radiology bachelors degree? Whatever the reason, has partnered with some of the top radiology schools in the country to provide free college program information. Click the link below to find the radiology training program you like and fill out out the no obligation contact forms. That's it, the information you need to help you find the right school is on it's way. Don't forget that it's free, so pick three or four and compare radiology schools before choosing.
FREE INFORMATION - Radiology School Listing
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please remember that there is a difference between a limited scope radiology license and an ARRT certified radiologic technologist. The employment and earning potential will vary by geographic area and in some areas a radiology limited scope certificate is not valid and will not allow you to work in the field. Details about this can be found by visiting The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.
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Radiology Patient Positioning
Radiographic Patient Positioning - Visit the text-based basic positioning guide to review you knowledge about proper patient positioning videos can aslo be accessed from the links on the individual radiographic positioning pages.
Radiology License Information
Choose your state for contact data, phone numbers and addresses to state radiology licensing agengies. Many radiology licenses can transfer between states but not all, some require retesting.

Radiology Continuing Education
Radiology CEU Sources - Visit the listing of radiology and radiography CEU, CME and continuing education providers.
Free radiology continuing education credits can be found on the internet, one of the best is the new Online Digital Imaging Academy provided by the ARRT and ASRT - Free ODIA CEU Link
Don't forget that ARRT Category A continuing education credits are due every two years once you become registered.
[Cat Scan Continuing Education] [Ultrasound Continuing Education] [MRI Continuing Education] [Radiography Continuing Education] [Nuclear Medicine Continuing Education] [Radiation Therapy Continuing Education]
PACS and Digital Radiology
Free PACS, DICOM and Digital Radiology Software - Check the growing list of software that will help with your radiology practice or let you learn how digital radiology works.
Visit the forums for lively discussions about DICOM, PACS, CR, DR and other RIS issues, free to join - Digital Radiology Advice
Radiology News and Articles
Be sure to visit to read the latest news about radiology and medical imaging. Get daily information from radiology blogs and radiology news sources, check it out now - Radiology Articles
How Much Does a Radiologic Technologist Make?
Radioloy salaries vary around the country, but based on internet sources, including the ASRT, the current average radiology technologist or radiology technician salary is around $58,000.
Radiology Link Exchange
Add a link? Submit an url? Suggest a site? However you say it, visit our radiology and medical link exchange to post your radiology web site so others can find you. Everyone benefits when radiology information is easily available to all radiology students, radiologic technologists and other medical imaging professionals. We've found many wonderfully informative diagnostic radiology sites and also stumbled upon fellow rad techs with radiology blogs or radiology related sites. Let's hope ours link directory will help you find some too.
Schools With Radiology Programs
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How To Say Radiology School
[French - Radiologie écoles] [German - Radiologie Schulen] [Italian - Radiologia scuole]
[Spanish - Radiología escuelas] [Dutch - Radiologie scholen]
[Mammography Schools] [MRI Schools] [Nuclear Medicine Schools] [Ultrasound Schools]
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[Radiology Schools]
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