
Radiology for Students and Professionals


Key Dates in Radiology History

1895 - Rontgen discovers x-rays.

1896 - Becquerel discovers radioactivity.

1901 - Rontgen receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of x-rays.

1905 - The first English book on Chest Radiography is published.

1913 -Coolidge introduces the hot cathode tube.

1914 - Von Laue receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for x-ray diffraction from crystals.

1915 - Bragg and Bragg receive the Nobel Prize in Physics for crystal structure derived from x-ray diffraction.

1917 - Barkla receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for characteristic radiation of elements.

1918 - Eastman introduces radiographic film.

1920 - The Society of Radiographers is formed.

1924 - Siegbahn receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for x-ray spectroscopy.

1927 - Compton receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for scattering of x-rays by electrons.

1936 - Debye receives the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for diffraction of x-rays and electrons in gases.

1934 - Joliot and Curie discover artificial radionuclides.

1937 -The first clinical use of artificial radioactivity is done at the University of California- Berkeley.

1946 - Schoenander develops the film cassette changer which allowed a series of cassettes to be exposed at the rate of 1.5 cassettes per second.

1946 - Nuclear medicine is discovered by accident.

1950 's - Wide-spread clinical use of nuclear medicine starts.

1950's - Development of the image intensifier and X-ray television.

1956 - The medical use of Ultrasound starts in Poland.

1962 - Kuhl introduces emission reconstruction tomography. This method later becomes known as SPECT and PET.

1967 - The first clinical use of MRI takes place in England.

1972 - CT is invented by British engineer Godfrey Hounsfield of EMI Laboratories in England.

1977 - The first human MRI images are produced.

1979 - Comack and Hounsfield receive the Nobel Prize in Medicine for computed axial tomography.

1980's - The advancement of radiopharmaceuticals and the use of computers transform Nuclear Medicine into what it is today.

1980's - Fuji develops CR technology.

1981 - Siegbahn receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for high resolution electron spectroscopy.

1984 - MRI is cleared for commercial use by the Food and Drug Administration.

History of Radiology Links

Radiology History #1 - Great article on the history of radiology from Stanford University.

Radiology History #2 - Radiology History and Heritage Charitable Trust

Radiology History #3 - Wonderful site put together by PSU for the centenial celebration of radiology.

Radiology History #4 - The Belgian Museum of Radiology is a great place to learn about the past

Radiology History #5 - Awesome "magazine" that looks at the early days of radiology.

[Discovery of X-rays]